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German Former Chancellor Schr der Visited Baosteel

German Former Chancellor Schr der Visited Baosteel

Write: Xanti [2011-05-20]

German Former Chancellor Gerhard Schr der paid a visit to Baosteel in the afternoon of 4th March. Baosteel Group deputy general manager He Wenbo welcomed Schr der and his company in Pudong Steel.

After introducing to Schr der Baosteel's production operations, market development and strategic planning, He Wenbo remarked that the support from the large enterprises of Germany is indispensable to the development of Baosteel, and he hoped to further strengthen the cooperation for the future.

Mr. Schr der praised that Baosteel was permeated with the sense of modernization. He thought that the road of development of "fine product plus scale" Baosteel had taken conformed to the developing direction of large modern steel complex. He wished sincerely that Baosteel would fulfill its strategic target of development at an early date.

Mr. Schr der visited the new plant of Pudong Steel in Luojing with great interest and wrote an inscription readily.