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Baosteel Held Cadres Meeting

Baosteel Held Cadres Meeting

Write: Tano [2011-05-20]

Wang Dong Ming, Vice Minister of the Organization Department, CCCPC, Declared
The Decision of the Party Central Committee and the State Council
On Rearranging Baosteel's Major Leadership

Xu Lejiang Appointed Chairman of the BOD of Baosteel Group Corporation
Ai Baojun Appointed General Manager of Baosteel Group Corporation

On the morning of 15th January, Baosteel Group held a cadres meeting. At the meeting, Wang Dongming, vice minister of the Organization Department of CCCPC, entrusted by the leading comrades of the central authorities, announced the decision of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on rearranging Baosteel's major leadership: Xu Lejiang is appointed the Chairman of the BOD of Baosteel Group and Ai Baojun is the nominated candidate of General Manager of Baosteel Group; because of the age restriction for holding a post, Xie Qihua is relieved of her post of Chairwoman of the BOD of Baosteel Group.
Wang Yong, vice minister and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of SASAC, Wang Anshun, vice secretary of Shanghai municipal Party Committee, Shen Hongguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Organization Department of Shanghai, were present at the meeting. The meeting was moderated by Liu Guosheng, vice chairman of the BOD and secretary of the Party Committee of Baosteel Group. Baosteel's leadership members, part of the old comrades, major leaders of each subsidiary company and branch and the units directly under them and the principals of the departments of the headquarters attended the meeting.
Wang Dongming pointed out at the meeting that the rearrangement of Baosteel's major leadership was a natural replacement of the old cadres with new ones, favorable to the long term development of Baosteel and to the stable transition of the leader group, which was decided by the central authority according to the working requirement and relevant regulations on the year limit of the tenures of major leaders of enterprises administered by the central authority as a result of carrying forward democracy, serious investigation and listening to the points of views of various aspects. This decision shows that the Party Central Committee and the State Council are concerned with Baosteel and that they trust the leader group of Baosteel Group. These years, guided by the "Deng Xiaoping Theory" and the important thought of "3 represents", the leader group with Xie Qihua as the chairwoman of the BOD firmly implemented the Party's line, principles and policies, earnestly carried out the scientific concept of development and balanced reform, development and stability. Surrounding the center of benefit, guided by the market and with the assets as the bond, they united and led the cadres and employees in deepening reform and strengthening management to enhance the overall strength and core competitive power, and made significant contributions to the development of both the national economy and the social courses. The leader group of Baosteel Group pays equal attention to both the material progress and the cultural and ideological progress. Surrounding the central work of the enterprise, they constantly strengthens and improves Party building, steadily carries out the activity of building "4-virtue" leader group and forcefully enhances the employee team construction and corporate culture construction to provide strong organizational guarantee for the reform, development and stability of the enterprise. The leader group of Baosteel Group won the title of the advanced collective in building "4-virtue" leader group of all China's state-owned enterprises. Last year, Baosteel Group over-fulfilled the target set by the upper-level authority and realized the preservation and increasing of the value of the state-owned assets. Baosteel ranked among the world top 500 for 3 consecutive years. These achievements are the results of both the correct leading of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the hard struggle of the mass employees led by the leader group of Baosteel group, as well as inseparable with the hard work of comrade Xie Qihua. Being cautious and conscientious in her works in last decades, Comrade Xie accumulated rich experiences of management of iron & steel enterprise and made significant contributions to Baosteel and our country's iron & steel course. The mass cadres and employees of Baosteel have a high opinion on Comrade Xie, and the Party Central Committee is satisfied with her work too.
On the afternoon of 15th January, the BOD of Baosteel Group Corporation decided that Mr. Xu Lejiang would assume the office of Chairman of the BOD of Baosteel Group Corporation and Mr. Ai Baojun would assume the office of General Manager of the same.
Where change of personnel for relevant posts of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. is involved, Baosteel Ltd. shall perform relevant order of consideration, granting procedures and announcing procedures according to the company's article of association, the BOD's rules of procedures and the requirements and codes of relevant laws and regulations. Before the personnel change for relevant posts take place, the existing personnel on the posts shall continue to perform their functions accordingly.