President Xu Kuangdi of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and President Rolstads of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) signed a memorandum of understanding in Beijing on Oct. 21, 2008. The ceremony was witnessed by CAE Vice President Pan Yunhe, CAE Academician Chen Lianghui and members of the NTVA delegation. The memorandum specifies the key areas and ways of cooperation in the next stage. The two academies identify renewable energy, environment, fishery and aquaculture, and global production as key areas of cooperation, and personal exchange of scientists of the two countries, and joint workshops as ways of cooperation, so as to foster cooperation of engineering and technology.
NTVA President Rolstads led the delegation visiting invited by Prof. Xu Kuangdi, President of CAE. Despite of the signing of the memorandum, academicians and experts of the two organizations participated in the workshop on Renewable Energy Strategy, Research and Development. At the workshop, CAE Vice President Du Xiangwan presented a key-note speech named Development of Renewable Energy in China: Significances and Strategic Objectives. Academician Chen Lianghui chaired the workshop and presented the current state of China s solid illumination; Academician Huang Qili delivered his report on Road Map of Renewable Energy Development in China. The Chinese and Norwegian experts gave 14 presentations at the workshop and exchanged ideas about the development, policies, technologies and applications of wind energy, solar energy, hydropower, tidal energy, biomass energy and other renewable energies. About 30 Chinese experts from Tsinghua University, Institute of Electronic Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nankai University, North China Electric Power University and other institutions took part in the workshop. The delegation continued with academic exchange in Shanghai after their visit to the CAE.