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Leaders from State Fishery Bureau Inspected Tongwei Group

Leaders from State Fishery Bureau Inspected Tongwei Group

Write: Karissa [2011-05-20]
On Apr. 22, Wan Yanliang, vice director of Fishery Bureau of Agriculture Ministry and
Fan Xiangguo, the Breeding Dept., accompanied by Xu Mengjia and Zhang Kai, director and
vice director of Sichuan Fishery Bureau separately, Fu Su, vice director of Chengdu Water
and Electricity Bureau, as well as Bi Xijin, vice president of the Group, Xiang Chuang,
office director of the group, inspected Chengdu Tongwei Aqutic Science and Technology Co.
Ltd.. Vice president Bi introduced the
production, management, service and scientific research of Tongwei Group to the guests.
Director Wan fully affirmed the development of Tongwei, and he hoped that Tongwei would
play a more positive role in West Development.
Xiao Le, director of the editorial department of the magazine China Fishery made an
Mr. Wan, vice director (third on the right), accompanied by Xu Mengjia, director(second on
the right), Mr. Bi, vice president(first on the left), visited the indoor industrialized
fish farming workshop, and relevant introduction was made by Wu Jiang(first on the right),
director of Tongwei Fishery Research Center.