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Tongwei displayed itself in Yibin the City of Nectar

Tongwei displayed itself in Yibin the City of Nectar

Write: Tess [2011-05-20]
On Dec. 2nd , the Itinerant Exhibition of the Famous Brands of Sichuan 100
Top Enterprises sponsored by Sichuan government was first held in Yibin the
City of Nectar. Over 100 famous enterprises, such as Tongwei, Changhong etc.,
took part in the exhibition. Gan Daoming, vice governor of Sichuan, attended the
opening ceremony and made a speech.
In this exhibition, visitors from all over the city came in succession to
Tongwei's booth to get brochures and inquire things about Tongwei's products,
like the price, distribution and after service etc. Tongwei's handbag in fresh
color can be seen throughout the exhibition hall, which became special scenery
of the exhibition. One old lady shouldered her way with great effort to
Tongwei's booth and got a suit of brochures on breeding of fish, pig, chicken
and duck. After a while, she came back again and was eager to ask for another
suit for her son, who is now engaged in livestock breeding and in need of
technology. During the exhibition, the lately printed Tongwei's New Year
pictures, which are elegant and festive, were the most popular items. People
said happily, Tongwei feeds let us feel safe, while Tongwei's New Year
pictures will surely bring us good luck in the next year.
Yibin is one of the important markets of livestock breeding. Relying on its
first class products and services, Tongwei provides culturists great benefits
since it entered the market. So Tongwei is widely welcomed by its customers and
its monthly selling volume increases continuously. The exhibition offered
Tongwei a good opportunity to show its products and set up its identity.