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Focus on Tongwei

Focus on Tongwei

Write: Uttanka [2011-05-20]
In October the golden autumn, "Western Forum of China", which is regarded as a great event of Sichuan even of the whole west, was solemnly opened in Chengdu. The grand international gathering in Sichuan basin attracted great attentions all over the world. In the meeting, various concepts collided and traditional thinking was transcended. Although it lasted for only three days, aspiring & exploring spirit of the meeting would last forever.
In the Forum, Chinese and foreign enterprise leaders, famous scholars and expers paid great attention to government policy, enterprises developing environment, the social status & development of previte economy. Some speeches were resounding, which showed a truth that social development is an inevitable reality independent of man's will.
The world paid much attention to the west of China, to the land of abundance, at the same time they also noticed those promising enterprises and enterprisers in the west.
During "Western Forum of China", Liu Hanyuan, the president of Tongwei Enterprises Group, as a specially invited guest took part in the Chinese & foreign enterprises economic and trade negotiation; Dr. Zhang Guokun, the president deputy, attended capital market & western development symposium. While relying on its firm spreading towards the Mideast and great developing potential, Tongwei in the hinterland of the west attracts a great deal of attention from different places. The Sino-British Trade Delegation and Xiao Zhuoji , the famous economist, visited Tongwei succesively during the Forum. Tongwei became the only enterprise they visited during their short stay in Chengdu. After visiting, Barclay Forrest, CBBC Council Member Chairman, British Cereal Exports, said that in terms of management & development, Tongwei is one of the best enterprises he has visited. Xiao Zhuoji, the professor, held an interesting discussion with Tongwei senior managers and journalists present on the relation of government & market, the development of private economy etc. He highly praised the rapid development of Tongwei.
The development of Tongwei also aroused Sichuan media's great interest during the Forum. Guandong Tongwei, which is the most advanced feed industry in China, was founded, fish gene-conversion lab was set up, Aquatic Science & Technology Garden will be constructed and so on. All these hotspots were given enormous reports by Sichuan TV, Chengdu economic TV, Chengdu Business Daily, West China City Daily, Business Morning post and Tianfu Morning Post etc.
Focus on Tongwei-- people will find that science and technology endow the traditional industry endless developing potential.
Fucus on Tongwei--coming out of the west to join the whole country and the world, Tongwei will help people get further understanding of the importance of open policy and the vigor of private economy!