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Leading Enterprises are Cited Sichuan Tongwei Co., Ltd. Is awarded

Leading Enterprises are Cited Sichuan Tongwei Co., Ltd. Is awarded

Write: Lind [2011-05-20]
In Sichuan rural working conference ended on Feb.28, leading enterprises were cited for their great achievements in agricultural industrialization in 2000 by general office of Sichuan provincial committee and Sichuan government. In the afternoon, 31 enterprises were awarded medals by Zhou Yongkang, secretary of Sichuan provincial committee, and leaders of provincial committee and government, like Yang Chonghui, Qin Yuqin, Tao Wuxian etc. in recognition of their merits in agricultural industrialization.
On behalf of Tongwei Co., Ltd. Zhang, Guokun, the vice general manager received this precious medal handed by Mr. Zhou, the secretary.
The leading enterprises are expected to carry forward their merits, constantly bring forth new ideas in agricultural industrialization to help more farmers increase their income. At the same time party committees, governments and departments concerned at all levels are required to make more efforts in giving publicity to these enterprises, summing up and spreading their successful experiences to improve overall level of Sichuan agricultural industrialization and promote all round development of rural economy.
Secretaries and mayors of different prefectures, cities, counties and representatives of enterprises, which were cited, attended this meeting.