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Delegation of BCECC visited Tongwei

Delegation of BCECC visited Tongwei

Write: Amrit [2011-05-20]
On Nov. 7, Tongwei Enterprise Group was visited by the delegation of BCECC, led by De Wit, chairman of BCECC, Fan Locker, honorary chairman of BCECC, and director Song Hui'an. President Liu Hanyuan and other leaders of the Group warmly welcomed the guests.
The guests visited the honorable room and watched the special film for the Group. They also visited two software companies, the subsidiaries of Tongwei Enterprise Group. Through these visits, the delegation became greatly interested in the ordered operation and rapid development of the Group. Departments concerned of Tongwei Enterprise Group held discussions on technologies and changed view points respectively with entrepreneurs from companies in the delegation, such as SEGHERS Environmental Technology Group, PROCOTEX Co. Ltd. And IBA Co. Ltd. The delegation visited Tongwei with more representatives than that when they visited other Chengdu enterprises, which showed that the delegation took Tongwei serious and was eager to know more about the Group.
The talking ended in a friendly atmosphere. The two sides had a group photo taken to mark the occasion.
It's said that BCECC is an important organization for promoting economic connection between Belgium and PRC. It is acknowledged by the two governments and regarded as prior partner in the field of economic connection between the two countries. Its major task is to help Belgian companies and enterprises in Chinese market.
As one of the activities celebrating the 30th anniversary of China's establishing diplomatic relations with Belgium, the delegation of BCECC made this business trip to Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu to investigate typical private business in China. On October 29, some representatives of this organization made prophase investigation on our Group.
On Oct. 29, Fan Locker, honorary chairman of BCECC, and director Song Hui'an visited Tongwei. President assistant Hu Rongzhu warmly welcomed the guests.
Mr. Fan said that a delegation of BCECC was to make a business trip to Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu from Nov. 3 to 11. As one of the activities celebrating the 30th anniversary of China's establishing diplomatic relations with Belgium, this visit aimed at getting a primary understanding of the rapid development of China's private business. Belgian delegation would visit Chengdu in Nov. 6-8. Mr. Fan and his party would make prophase investigation on 4 private businesses, like Tongwei Enterprise Group, Top Group and New Hope Group etc.
President assistant Hu first extended warm greetings to Mr. Fan and his party, on behalf of Tongwei Enterprise Group. He then briefed the development history of the Group. The two sides discussed further on how to help China's private business get sustainable and rapid development and their possible cooperation in the future.
The talk lasted for an hour and ended in friendly atmosphere. The two sides took photos in front of the Tongwei's gate.
It's said that BCECC is an important organization for promoting economic connection between Belgium and PRC. It is acknowledged by the two governments and regarded as prior partner in the field of economic connection between the two countries. Its major task is to help Belgian companies and enterprises in Chinese market.