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Vice Sichuan Provincial Governor Wang Hengfeng inspected Tongwei

Vice Sichuan Provincial Governor Wang Hengfeng inspected Tongwei

Write: Afraima [2011-05-20]
In the morning of Jan. 10, 2002, Vice Sichuan Provincial Governor Wang Hengfeng, accompanied by such municipal and prefectural leaders as Yu Bin, mayor of Meishan City, Li Bing, vice mayor of Meishan City etc., inspected Sichuan Tongwei.
Wang Hengfeng had been showing his much concern about Tongwei's development, and he had visited some of Tongwei's subsidiaries including those in Chongqing City and in Guangdong Province, Chengdu Tongwei Aquaculture Science & Technology Co., Ltd.. It's the second time for him to visit Sichuan Tongwei in Meishan City, showing his more concern about Tongwei's development.
Vice Sichuan Provincial Governor Wang Hengfeng and his delegation was warmly welcomed by president assistant Hu Rongzhu together with the managers in Sichuan Tongwei. Wang Hengfeng and his delegation visited the production line. They expressed much admiration for the company when the leaders saw many trucks carrying bags of feed products to and fro in midwinter.
President assistant Hu Rongzhu reported to the Vice Sichuan Provincial Governor Wang Hengfeng about the achievements that Sichuan Tongwei. Had achieved in 2001, and he also introduced the situation of Tongwei in its expansion to the honored guests.
Vice Governor Wang Hengfeng fully affirmed the achievements Tongwei had made in the past. Yu Bin, mayor of Meishan City expressed that Meishan Municipal Government will give full support to Tongwei Co., Ltd. In its getting listed in 2002, and he hoped that the company should do its endeavor in the coming years to contribute to the sustainable economic development of Meishan City.