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Tongwei Group 2003 Summary and 2004 Plan Meeting Convenes in Chengdu

Tongwei Group 2003 Summary and 2004 Plan Meeting Convenes in Chengdu

Write: Colbert [2011-05-20]
During Jan. 29 31, Tongwei Group 2003 Summary and 2004 Plan Meeting is convened in Borui Garden Hotel in Chengdu. The meeting is attended by president Liu Hanyuan and board director Guan Yamei, as well as more than 200 others including vice president Hu Rongzhu, chairman of Board of Supervisors Chen Chao, general manager of Tongwei Co., Ltd. Guan Yawei, secretary of Board of directors Xiang Chuan, vice general manager Wang Shangwen, Ma Chaoming, Chief Accountant Yan Hu, Chief Auditor Zhang Guoyu, HR superintendent Guo Xiaoqi, general manager assistant Li Guofu, Ye Debing and person-in-charge of each headquarter departments, general managers of all subsidiaries and manager of Marketing and Financial Dept., together discussing the development strategy of the entire group in the year of 2004.
The theme of the meeting is "Observe Situation, Change Concept, Optimize Product, Strength Operation, and Accrue Profit Stably". In the meeting, vice president Hu Rongzhu sums up the work of the group last year. In 2003, every aspects of the business of group continued growing in firm steps, including none feed areas of pet foot, software, construction, Tongwei fish etc.; represented by Guangdong Tongwei, the feeds areas shifted unfavorable factors into developing opportunity, integrated all resources, took the challenges dauntlessly, consequently doubled sales and profit. It continued and consolidated its leading position in the industry and won widespread and far-reaching compliments and respects within and outside of the industry. General manager Guang Yawei makes the plan for the group in 2004 and presided each subsidiary to segment and analyze the implementation of the plan in detail. The relevant departments of headquarters of the group and company make arrangement in respects of performance assessment, financial management, market exploitation and information collection, and so forth.
President Liu Hanyuan maintains his attendance throughout the meeting, and delivers important speech in six aspects in the day of opening.
The first is to liberate mind and be practical and realistic. Stressed by Mr. Liu, in the course of production and operation management, we ought to erect dauntless working style and the spirit of efficiency priority, swift behavior, and treasuring time, unlash our hands on the basis of practicality and realistic mindset, and be brave in exploitation. He said, only if our thinking be attentive to scale and system, noting the rationality, economic nature and operatability, dare nothing we not to contemplate, will nothing be invincible. When talking about improving efficiency, pointed by president Liu, the level of efficiency decides a nation to prosper, a product to prevail over the like in the marketplace, even determines an enterprise to survive. All our actions, decisions, rules and regulations should embody the principle of efficiency priority, serve for efficiency, meet the needs of efficiency, which we cannot put the cart before the horse.
The second is to strength HR work, open the door for talents. President Liu indicates the importance of internal training and external recruitment in order to transfer talents into the key resource of the company. The need is to do a good HR job before decision-making, thus shift our position from reactive to proactive. He mentions that every subsidiary and its departments must take part in the talent introduction and cultivation actively. Regardless in operation management, marketing, after service or technical R&D, where there are talents, there are opportunities to introduce.
The third is to intensify information gathering and establish fast responsive mechanism, bringing into full play of our advantages and avoiding shortcomings, facing any challenge confidently and dauntlessly; the fourth is to fully exert our initiatives, set up notion of self-owning and leading, and start out of every word and every action; the fifth is to optimize performance assessment system, better incentive and distribution system. In talking about assessment standard, pointed by president Liu that, there isn't such a thing or a method that is able to solve all problems in the world. There are things of one hundred percent right or wrong. No too much, however. More times we just deal with such micro-scale changes. The sixth is to intensify financial checking, and optimize auditing supervision system.
As talking of the developing future of Tongwei and industry, president Liu expresses full of confidently, Tongwei will not alter its objective of becoming the strongest aquatic enterprise in China and even the world over. We are confident and determined to fulfill it. The future Tongwei will definitely be a prosperous, vital, nonstop, and robust enterprise. The speech of president Liu is widely accepted by the participating delegates. Everyone is so encourage, clapping hands vigorously, expressing heartedly that they will review and carry out the fundamental notion of meeting and managing concept of president Liu, strive to make further progress in 2004, and create amazing achievement.
In closing ceremony, president Liu Hanyuan makes overall analysis and specific arrangement in aspects of operation target, material procurement, quality control, product optimization, and developing concept. During this time, branch meetings are also hosted by subsidiaries' general managers and marketing managers of Tongwei Co., Ltd. Vice president Hu Rongzhu gives speech on planning and marketing, brand maintenance, advert article making and release etc. Those achievement-outstanding branches, Guangdong Tongwei, Henan Tongwei and Changchun Tongwei, introduce in the meeting their operation experiences in 2003. The meeting consummates in effective, realistic and rational way. After the branches and subsidiaries sign up operation target statement of year of 2004, the meeting concludes in the afternoon on Jan. 31.