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Tongwei Catches Eyes in the First Sichuan NECFE

Tongwei Catches Eyes in the First Sichuan NECFE

Write: Parry [2011-05-20]
During Dec. 13-16, first session of "Sichuan Nongovernmental Enterprise Commodity Fair and Exhibition" (NECFE) sponsored by ACFIC Sichuan and CCOIC Sichuan was held in Chengdu grandly. More than 380 nongovernmental firms from 19 cities/prefectures, e.g., Chengdu, Deyang, Liangshan and Mianyang etc. took part in. Tongwei was invited as a countrywide noted private company in Sichuan. Mr. Hu Rongzhu, vice president of the group showed up in the grand gathering, leading an eye-catching lineup comprised of members of headquarter, Tongwei Fish Co., Care Pet Co. and Softone.
On the opening day of NECFE, the exhibition booth of Tongwei caught the eyes of gushing visitors. Tongwei Fish Co. made on-site performance of "cuisine fish". Flowing delicious smell attracted a sizable group of people to have a taste of pollution-free Tongwei fish. "Tongwei News", Tongwei pamphlets and such materials were taken out in on minute. Mr. Wang Hengfeng, vice chairman of provincial CPPCC, came to Tongwei booth in person to give instruction. CCTV and Tianfu Morning Newspaper focused on Tongwei.
Vice president Hu Rongzhu commented in interview by CCTV: "Tongwei started in Sichuan and grew well-known around country in a decade. The course of Tongwei's stable and rapid growth indicates the unprecedented change taking place in the overall environment for nongovernmental firms in Sichuan, which creates for them a specious developing space." He also expressed that the fertile soil in "Land of Abundance" fostered Tongwei. The operation and development in Sichuan is of utmost importance to Tongwei. Tongwei has established Tongwei Fish Co. to build a complete industry chain, and take the lead in the country to introduce first pollution-free fish. We believe the fish will swim beyond Sichuan and make a present the country over.
On the days in exhibition, Tongwei also recruited new talents and brought with a glut of job seekers. One of them said to reporter that he hoped to join in Tongwei because its standard management and rapid development.
It is said this year is the year the province expedite the development of nongovernmental economy. By Sep., the nongovernmental firms in our province outnumbered 100 thousand, leading the way in western region. The growth in nongovernmental enterprises contributed 35% of provincial GDP growth, making it a new highlight in provincial economy.