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How Much is Tongwei Brand Worth? 3.3 Billion Yuan

How Much is Tongwei Brand Worth? 3.3 Billion Yuan

Write: Jasmine [2011-05-20]
On June 28, World Brand Summit was solemnly held in Beijing jointly by World Brand Lab and World Economic Forum, on which the rank list for China's Top 500 Most Valuable Brands in 2004 was announced. Hiaer is evaluated as the most valuable brand in China for its brand value worth RMB61.237 billion Yuan, followed by CCTV, Baosteel, and Lenovo. The famous brands of Changhong (Sichuan Changhong Electric (Group) Corp.), Lenovo (Lenovo Group Limited), Neptunus (Shenzhen Neptunus Group), Tongwei (Tongwei Group), and TOM.COM are also among the list.
Brand is the soul of an enterprise and is the symbol of the economic strength of a country. To speed up the progress in China's modernization management for enterprises, to urge the entrepreneurs to recheck the road towards brand development and recognize the significance of brands to an enterprise, and to understand the difference between international brands and domestic ones, the World Brand Lab and the World Economic Forum, dubbed as the United Kingdom among Economic Circle, jointly held this World Brand Summit and prepared the report of 2004 China's Top 500 Most Valuable Brands.
China's Top 500 Most Valuable Brands is the first scientific evaluation in all-round aspects by the world s top brand research institute. Among the 500 brands, 4 brands are worth RMB60 billion Yuan and above; 5 brands worth RMB40 billion Yuan to 60 billion Yuan; 10 brands worth RMB30 billion Yuan to 40 billion Yuan.
With regard to the research, it has shown that most of these brands belong to enterprises of state-owned economic sectors, occupying 65.4% among the total, the rest brands belong to non-governmental economy, occupying 34.6%. And among the first 100 brands, 74 brands belong to the state-owned and collective-owned enterprises and 26 brands belong to non-governmental enterprises. As a whole, the non-governmental economy in China has been developing in great momentum, but due to small enterprise scale and short period of development, as well as emphasis to short-term benefits rather than brand construction by some entrepreneurs of non-governmental enterprises, most brands of the non-governmental sector rank among the last 200.