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Tongwei Becomes China First Green Feed Provider

Tongwei Becomes China First Green Feed Provider

Write: Farfalla [2011-05-20]

China Green Food Development Center an authoritative agency subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for organizing and directing green food development and management across the country, after strict examination and repeated review in light of the requirements of relevant national and industry standards such as Measures for Administration of Green Food Production Material Verification and Recommendation, and Guideline for Use of Green Food, Feeds and Feed Additives, awarded China s first Green Food Production Material (Feed) certificate to Tongwei Corp on June 27, for a purpose to promote the China s green food development. Tongwei Corp therefore became the only domestic company with the certificate of GFPM (Feed) and the only Chinese feed provider permitted to use the GFPM mark.

Acquisition of the GFPM (Feed) certificate was attributable to the fact that Tongwei Corp and its branches and subsidiaries have been persistently adhering to the national and industry standards for green food-production materials in feed production as well as use and management of input products. This, which indicates that Tongwei has achieved great results from its involvement in aquatic, livestock and poultry breeding in various regions, was also a sufficient recognition of the green, e-friendly and safe features of Tongwei feeds. Therefore, Tongwei has made a solid step ahead in the aspects of green cultivation, green food production and building a world brand of aquatic products.