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Tongwei Launches 50mn-yuan Siyuan-Sunshine Program

Tongwei Launches 50mn-yuan Siyuan-Sunshine Program

Write: Presley [2011-05-20]

China Siyuan Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, whose initiator and founder was China National Democratic Construction Association, was launched at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on July 4. Siyuan-Sunshine Program , which is one of the ten major projects of the foundation, was established with Tongwei Group s 50 million yuan donation, which was intended to supply quality, efficient and green solar energy for industrial and domestic use to the economically underdeveloped areas, particularly mountainous rural areas where ethnic minorities live in relatively high concentration . Tongwei Group is set to give out 5 million yuan per year, or a total of 50 million yuan in a ten-year term, for scientific and technological research on clean solar energy and deveopment of new products. This was another significant charitable act made by Tongwei Group, a company which has enjoyed steady growth, as a return to the community.

As the sole representative of the donator company, Chairman Liu made an address to the conference, China is a large developing country. We still have a population of over 60 million who are living in poverty or with very low income. As a member company of CNDCA, we had a chance to tour around western China and see with our own eyes the living conditions of those poor people. We were really astounded. He called on entrepreneurs to think of the source of richness and make plans for further progress while in prosperity , make returns to the community in different ways, do whatever practical jobs we can to help the poverty-ridden people and help shortern the urbans-rural gap. Times calls for more socially responsible entrepreneurs with a sense of mission. Only socially responsible businesses can grow bigger and stronger in a sustainable manner, remarked Chairman Liu.