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Sunshine 1523-Operation Overlord Unleashed

Sunshine 1523-Operation Overlord Unleashed

Write: Carnelian [2011-05-20]

Tongwei Corp called on a Sunshine Campaign teleconference, annoucing to launch a seventh battle of Sunshine Campaign in full scale. In response to the call, more than 60 branches and subsidiaries, including Fuling, Tongwei Technology, etc, all held a grand launch ceremony and plunged themselves into actions with an irresistible momentum.

The part of Sunshine Campaign for this year is called Sunshine 1523-Operation Overlord . President Guan Yawei pointed out the twofold meaning of Operation Overlord : First of all, Tongwei has held the leading position in domestic aquatic feed sale and market share firmly for 11 consecutive years and can be called an overlord , but, given the cut-throat competition and ever greater volatility in the marketplace, Tongwei should, via Sunshine Campaign , further improve and consolidate its strength to keep the overlord position; Secondly, besides consolidating our market position in traditional aquatic feeds and stronghold markets, Sunshine Campaign this year will also form a second battlefront by incorporating non-feed sectors such as Tongwei fish, food processing and the guaranty company with a view to vigorously promoting the comprehensiveness of the industrial chain buildup. 73 years ago, during World War II, the Allied Forces opened a second battlefield in the hardest times through the D-Day Normandy Landings on June 8, 1944, and this became a key turning point towards the great victory of WWII, explained President Guan, adding, This move was called Operation Overlord . President Guan expressed his hope that in the Operation Overlord this year, Tongwei soldiers would march and fight hand in hand to win a grand victory and bring additional splendor to Tongwei Group for her 15th anniversary.