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Fourteen Experts in Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Provide Technical Assistance to Mongolia

Fourteen Experts in Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Provide Technical Assistance to Mongolia

Write: Sadb [2011-05-20]

Source: Farmers Daily

On May 10, 14 experts in agricultural and animal husbandry, selected and sent by the Ministry of Agriculture, went to Mongolia to provide technical assistance for China-Mongolia South-South Cooperation Program.

On Sept. 25, 2008, Premier Wen Jiabao declared at the UN High-Level Meeting of Millennium Development Goals that the Chinese Government would donate US$30 million to UN to set up a trust fund, aimed at supporting FAO for its South-South cooperation under the framework of Special Program of Food Security, so as to help developing countries to enhance their ability of agricultural production.

Requested by the Mongolian Government and through consultations among all parties, the Chinese Government, Mongolian Government, and FAO signed the Tripartite Agreement on South-South Cooperation Projects to Support Mongolian Food Security Plan on January 11, 2010, thus Mongolia has become the first country that utilizes the trust fund donated by the Chinese Government to conduct South-South cooperation. The experts and technical staff will provide technical assistance in the areas such as animal feed production, animal husbandry, plant protection, agricultural irrigation, protected agriculture, agricultural machinery, as well as food inspection and analysis.