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Pricey Chinese herbs in demand

Pricey Chinese herbs in demand

Write: Amon [2011-05-20]
Chinese physicians and housewives have been surprised by the drastic price hike of certain herbs in Johor Baru over the past two years.
The herb, jinyinhua, has seen a price hike from RM25 per kg two years ago to RM220 per kg now. It was widely used during the influenza A (H1N1) scare last year because of its supposedly anti-viral property.
There are even some items which are now considered luxury goods.
The chain effect of the price hike was immediate as can be seen in the escalating price of herbal concoctions, beverages and food items.
For green peas, which are used to make pastries and desserts, the price has gone up from RM2.50 per kg last year to about RM8 at now.
Chinese physician Lim Boon Hime attributed the price hike to the prolonged drought in China last year as well as increasing demand from the Chinese community.