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CIUTI Experts Visit School of Interpreting and Translation Studies

CIUTI Experts Visit School of Interpreting and Translation Studies

Write: Parvani [2011-05-20]

March 19 - Dr. Frank Peeters, Professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium and Vice President of the Conference of University Institutes for Translation and Interpretation (CIUTI) and Dr. Ulrich Kautz, Professor at the University of Mainz, Germany and CIUTI expert visited GDUFS' School of Interpreting and Translation Studies (SITS) from March 7th to March 12th. The two experts had an on-site evaluation of the professional qualities of the school, one of the stages in the admission procedure to acquire the CIUTI membership.

Dr. Frank Peeters and Dr. Ulrich Kautz inspected the infrastructure facilities, resources, and research works of the teaching staff of SITS. They also visited various interpreting and translation classes for undergraduate and postgraduate students and participated in a forum attended by SITS school leaders and students.

GDUFS placed great importance on the CIUTI visit. President Zhong Weihe met with the two experts and briefed them on the status quo of GDUFS. He featured its multilingual and intercultural teaching and study, and highlighted the outstanding performance of its students, in particular in the Guangzhou Asian Games and other international events.

CIUTI  Experts  Visit  School  of  Interpreting  and  Translation  Studies

President Zhong Weihe meeting with CIUTI experts

The two experts appreciated SITS overall quality of education and expressed satisfaction with the facilities, school management and its research achievements. During their visit, Dr. Frank Peeters and Dr. Ulrich Kautz also delivered lectures for SITS, which were well-received by all the students and teaching staff.

CIUTI  Experts  Visit  School  of  Interpreting  and  Translation  Studies

The two experts in the forum with SITS students

Since GDUFS applied for CIUTI membership last year, SITS has successfully completed the first two stages of the admissions procedure, namely the Competence Screening and the Self-Assessment Report (SAR). Admittance into CIUTI, the world's old est and most pres ti gious inter na tional asso ci a tion of uni ver sity insti tutes with trans la tion and inter pre ta tion pro grammes, would bring about a rewarding status in the field of Translation and Interpreting Training in the world. It would also be a breakthrough in the effort of the education internationalization of GDUFS.

CIUTI  Experts  Visit  School  of  Interpreting  and  Translation  Studies

Dr. Frank Peeters (right) and Dr. Ulrich Kautz (left)

In the light of the explod ing demand for com pe tent trans la tors and inter preters after World War II, the T&I insti tutes of the uni ver si ties of Geneva, Hei del berg, Mainz Germersheim, Paris, Sorbonne, Saar brucken and Tri este ini ti ated a T&I qual ity cir cle that delevoped into the world wide CIUTI asso ci a tion with over 40 qualified, screened members. Ini ti ated in 1960, the CIUTI family has included members such as Ecole Sup rieure d'Interpr tes et de Traducteurs (ESIT) and Monterey Institute of International Studies. Beijing Foreign Studies University and Shanghai International Studies University acquired their memberships in the year of 2008 and 2009.

Source: GDUFS News Website