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Modern Agriculture Demonstration Park Powers New Development of Yangling

Modern Agriculture Demonstration Park Powers New Development of Yangling

Write: Kasey [2011-05-20]
Yangling ModernAgricultureDemonstrationPark has shouldered the role of modern agriculture technological innovation center for dry and semi-dry areas, a leader for promotion of technological entrepreneurship in rural areas, modern agriculture industrializing base and platform for international agriculture technology cooperation. So far, the demonstration park has completed 700 million yuan of investment, introduced more than 470 new and excellent species from over 30 entrepreneurs and scientific research institutes home and abroad and primarily formed the functions of demonstration, exhibition, production and logistics services.

It is said that the ModernAgricultureDemonstrationPark includes eight parks, i.e. modern agriculture innovation park, international scientific cooperation park, agricultural enterprises incubation park, seed-seeding industrial park, standardized production and demonstration park, scientific exploration park, agricultural product processing and logistical park. Hu Shizhong, deputy director of the Construction Management Center of Yangling Modern Agriculture Demonstration Park, the modern agriculture innovation park and the international science and technology cooperation park have partnered with each other to construct six exhibition halls. All of the exhibition halls adopt internationally advanced self-control intelligent greenhouse technique, soil-less cultivation technique, modern biological technology and information management technology. Moreover, 23 sunlight green houses were also constructed to showcase the green house types and building techniques suitable for northwest regions as well as new species of modern agriculture. Over 800 mu of open field were used to showcase grains, oils, vegetables, fruits, flowers and pharmaceutical plants and feedstuff suitable for dry and semi-dry areas as well as more than 1,200 species in 17 categories.

In the standard demonstration park, the construction of 10,000-mu excellent wheat species cultivation base has been completed. The base can provide over five million kilograms of excellent wheat species for the province. Over 9,000 mu of large- or medium-sized agriculture greenhouses have been constructed, and vegetables planted in the greenhouses have been sold in the market as well as large- and medium-sized cities in and out the province. A total of 4,000 mu of 10,000-mu economical forest fruit seeding demonstration base have been constructed. The 200,000 excellent pig cultivation demonstration base has introduced over 53 million yuan of investment from Benxiang Group. So far, Qinbao, Aoyuan and Qinshuaniu animal husbandry companies have entered the 10,000-head Qinchuan Excellent Cow Breeding Demonstration Base. The construction of agriculture enterprise IncubationPark and facility agriculture entrepreneurship and practical training base have been completed. Over 100 college students and surplus laborers in rural areas have accepted the practical training on entrepreneurship. Over 40 scientific research projects have entered the scientific exploration park. Construction of enterprises such as Jiangsu Yurun and Huiyuan Fruit Juice has started.

Hu Shizhong said that the construction of ModernAgricultureDemonstrationPark primarily formed five industries, i.e. vegetable, seedling tree, excellent wheat species, live pig and beef cattle. Yangling s core demonstration ability has been improved significantly and farmers income has increased sharply. In 2009, the per capita income of farmers in Yangling reached 5,744 yuan, up 21% compared with the previous year. The growth rate ranked the first place in the province.