Source: MOA website
With the recent temperature increase, areas of the Yellow River, Huaihe River, and Haihe River have been witnessing plant diseases and pests, with the average rise of area being 10 million mu per day. Locust plague has also reared its ugly head.
On May 13, the Ministry of Agriculture organized an exercise of prevention and control of crop diseases and pests in Tianjin Municipality and arranged the prevention and control of diseases, pests, and locusts of wheat, so as to roll out summer field management, conduct emergent prevention and control, and achieve the goal of fighting for grain with pests .
MOA has required that agricultural authorities at all levels should prioritize the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests, try the very best to prevent the outbreak of diseases and pests, and achieve a bumper harvest for summer grain. The following measures should be taken: first, to enhance the organization; second, to improve monitoring and early warning system and third, to focus on emergent prevention and control.