On the afternoon of September 25, 2010, Dean of Communication Branch of French National Research Center of Science (CNRS), Mr. Dominique Wolton, an internationally renowned Communicationscholar, was invited to visit Communication University of China Press, and editor-in-chief Min Huiquan gave him a warm reception.

Mr Wolton s visit was mainly about the publishing of the Chinese version of his monograph "Information does not Equal Communication" edited and published by CUC Press. Mr Wolteon talked about his writing of the book and the significance of getting the Chinese version published. He believed that only through the existence of the audience and their recognition of the communicated message could information transmission become meaningful communication. The current challenge in communication is how to permanently inherit the value of personal liberation exsisting since the 16th century in this world of high technology, rich information, and mass dissemination. Meanwhile, we should also prevent information and dissemination, two important factors which used to narrow the gap between people in the past, from turning to be the driving forces to produce misunderstanding and hatred. Mr. Wolton was very happy to co-publish the Chinese version of his book with CUC Press, sharing his 30 years painstaking research achievements with Chinese readers.
Ms. Min Huiquan welcomed Mr. Wolton and hoped that both sides could maintain continuous close cooperation, and spread more and newer research achievements to Chinese readers.
"Information does not Equal Communication" is one book of the series "Masterpiece Renditions of European Journalism and Communication", recently edited and published by Communication University of China Press . The chief editor of this series is Liu Chang, Director of European Media Research Center of CUC. Until now six monographs of renowned scholars of Journalism and Communication from France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and other European countries have been translated and published. This attempt of translation and introduction of academic achievements in European Journalism and Communication is of significant academic value. The series won the national award, "the 9th Outstanding Book Award of Translated Social Science Works in 2009".
It was reported that Mr. Wolton s other two monographs named "Save the Communication" and "A Different Globalization" would be published in succession by CUC Press.
Pang Weisha (Vanessa Carpentier), Library Commissioner of Cultural Office of French Embassy ; "Le Monde" reporter Brice Pedroletti; Liu Chang, Director of European Media Research Center of CUC, accompanied with Mr. Wolton during the visit. Before visiting CUC Press, Vice President Yuan Jun met with Mr. Wolton, and invited him to make a lecture. French-speaking Channel, CCTV made a full report on this.
Translated by Shi Rui