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Features of Chinese Architecture:(I) Horizontal emphasis

Features of Chinese Architecture:(I) Horizontal emphasis

Write: Mecaenus [2011-05-20]

The most important is the emphasis on the horizontal axis, in particular the construction of a heavy platform and a large roof that floats over this base, with the vertical walls not as well emphasized. This contrasts Western architecture, which tends to grow in height and depth. Chinese architecture stresses the visual impact of the width of the buildings. The halls and palaces in the Forbidden City, for example, have rather low ceilings when compared to equivalent stately buildings in the West, but their external appearances suggest the all-embracing nature of imperial China. These ideas have found their way into modern Western architecture, for example through the work of J rn Utzon.

This of course does not apply to pagodas, which, in any case, are relatively rare and limited to religious building complexes.