
On June 28, World Brand Summit was solemnly held in Beijing jointly by World Brand Lab and World Economic Forum, on which the rank list for China's Top 500 Most Valuable Brands in 2004 was announced. Hiaer is evaluated as the most valuable brand in China for its brand value worth ...
Ranking of 2003 scaled private enterprises in China by All China Federation for Industry and Commerce has been disclosed. Tongwei has been listed Top 500 Private Enterprise for many consecutive years due to its positive and steady development momentum. Meanwhile, it ranks No. 1 ...
A general Introduce of Tongwei Group's development history. A complete summary of Tongwei Group's feature . The Interpretation of Tongwei's enterprise culture from different aspects. An elaboration of Tongwei Group's competitive advantages in an all-round way. You do everything ...
China's First Top Ten Private Entrepreneurs were announced yesterday through joint appraisal by China Enterprises Association and China Enterprises and Entrepreneurs Association. President Liu Hanyuan of Tongwei Group went to Shenzhen to receive the honor and is the first ...
On Dec. 24, 2004, Commending Conference for Builders of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics was solemnly held in Beijing, at which Mr. Liu Hanyuan, Board Director of Tongwei Co., Ltd. was present at the conference for his winning the honorary title. Before the conference was ...
On Jan. 30, 2005, outstanding figures gathered in the brilliantly illuminated hall of CPPCC, where the commending ceremony for 2004 Top Ten Talents of Chinese Private Enterprises was held solemnly. Zhang Zheng, who was the well-known television presenter of CCTV, was chairing the ...
President Liu Hanyuan Won the Honorary Title of one of Most Creative Chinese Business Leader On Aug. 8, 2005, at the second Forum of Chinese Business Leaders in Asia-Pacific Region , President Liu Hanyuan won the honorary title of one of Most Creative Chinese Business Leaders. ...
On November 6, Tongwei Corp held 2007 Tongwei Exchange on Livestock/Poultry Feeds & Nutrition Technologies at Rongcheng. As the first large-scale technical exchange sponsored by the corporation since its technical center was accredited to be national class, it ushered in a new ...
News came from National Development & Reform Commission today that Tongwei Corp s Technical Center was accredited jointly by NDRC, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Finance, General Administration of Customs and State Administration for Taxation as one of the 14th batch of ...
On September 11, at the 2007 Commendation Conference for Chinese Famous Brands or World-famous Chinese Native Brands held at the Great Hall of the People by State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (SAQSIQ) and the Council for Promotion of Chinese ...
On July 19, president of Tongwei Corp Guan Yawei and general manager of Vietnam Nhut ThanhTan signed a land lease agreement at Vietnam s Tan Huong Industrial Park in Tien Giang Province on behalf of the two companies. The land was used to build a large modern aquatic feed ...
On July 5, leaders from relevant departments and units of provincial CPC committee s Agriculture Office, provincial Bureau of Aquatic Products, Chengdu Council of Agriculture, Chengdu Water Affairs Bureau, Chengdu Agricultural Investmet Company and Dujiangyang municipal CPC ...
China Siyuan Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, whose initiator and founder was China National Democratic Construction Association, was launched at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on July 4. Siyuan-Sunshine Program , which is one of the ten major projects of the ...
The national anthem and the corporate song of Tongwei were played one after another at Chengdu Taifeng Agricultural Development Co based in Qiong Lai City; and when the national flag and the flags of Tongwei Corp and Taifeng Company were being raised, Chengdu New Taifeng ...
China Green Food Development Center an authoritative agency subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for organizing and directing green food development and management across the country, after strict examination and repeated review in light of the requirements of ...
The 13th Awarding Ceremony of Tongwei Fisheries Education Foundation was held at the Tongwei Building of Sichuan Agriculture University s Fisheries School. 186 winning students received awards from Ye Debing, deputy president and HR manager of Tongwei Corp, president of Trade ...
Tongwei Corp called on a Sunshine Campaign teleconference, annoucing to launch a seventh battle of Sunshine Campaign in full scale. In response to the call, more than 60 branches and subsidiaries, including Fuling, Tongwei Technology, etc, all held a grand launch ceremony and ...
On morning of May 24, a grand ceremony was held at Rongcheng for signing of a 10,000-ton polysilicon project investment agreement by Tongwei Group, Juxing Group and the Government of Leshan City. The project is to fully leverage Leshan s technological, product-related and ...
May 25 saw the premier issue of a magazine named Tongwei LifeStyle an elaborate work of Tongwei Group s Press Center and Editorial Department launched. The magzine was created with a view to setting up a stage closer to the life of all Tongwei people and creating a tangible ...
On afternoon of April 24, the provincial working conference on private economy sponsored by Sichuan Government dropped the curtain in much spotlight. During the conference, the provincial government highly commended the Top 10 Private Enterprises of Sichuan . Tongwei Group, by ...
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China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- Policies of China's new leadership in the ...
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates confirmed on Wednesday that he is ...
China slams Japan's NHK governor's denial of Nanjing massacre
China slams Japan's NHK governor's denial of Nanjing massacre
BEIJING, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday slammed the remarks of ...
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
The Number One Document also proposed a new pricing plan for China's ...
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The International Monetary ...
GM China chairman to retire
GM China chairman to retire
CHICAGO, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- General Motors Co. announced Friday that ...
Minivans rev up sales for GM
Minivans rev up sales for GM
Sales of General Motors and its Chinese ventures accelerated in ...
Court rejects Apple lawsuit over iPad name
Court rejects Apple lawsuit over iPad name
Shenzhen Municipal Intermediate People's Court has rejected a lawsuit ...
Chinese leader calls for more marine power
Chinese leader calls for more marine power
Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli Sunday called for research in polar ...
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Two models stand beside golf equipment and bags at a recent golf ...
Yao's gift of sport for all
Yao's gift of sport for all
Chinese NBA player Yao Ming teaches a boy with special needs how to ...
Fourteen countries expected to compete in Cuba's wrestling tourney
Fourteen countries expected to compete in Cuba's wrestling tourney
Some 14 countries and regions are expected to compete in the 45th ...