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Indonesia holds international open-space art exhibition

Indonesia holds international open-space art exhibition

Write: Aliz [2011-05-20]
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Indonesia holds international open-space art exhibition

  • Source: English.news.cn
  • [09:35 December 31 2010]
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Indonesia hosted a month-long art exhibition participated by various prominent artists coming from Asia, Europe and South America who showcased the bests of their open-art products.

The exhibition, scheduled to last to Jan. 27, 2011, will mostly be held in the capital city. Some cities in the country, like Yogyakarta, Cirebon and Bandung, are also scheduled to hold the exhibition in brief period of times.

The exhibition was actually an integrated art events filled with book launching, seminar, video and film workshops, photography and music festival, among others.

Besides Indonesian artists, the grand art event, organized by Indonesian art enthusiasts organization Ruang Rupa, is participated by artists from Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and Finland.

Many of the art products apparently have 3 dimensions, taking wider display space. Video art is the one of the interesting exhibit in the exhibition.