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Foton Motor Stands out of the Economic Crisis to Achieve a G

Foton Motor Stands out of the Economic Crisis to Achieve a G

Write: Kordelia [2011-05-20]

On April 17, 2009, Foton Motor announced production and sales data for its Q1 operations, during which an accumulated production and sales volume of 124, 650 units had been achieved in completion of 30% of the annual targets. The Q1 performance places Foton Motor stably on the very top list of China s commercialvehicle players

With various positive industrial stimulus policies during the 1st quarter of 2009, China auto market performed well in the economic recession; however, passenger vehicle and commercial vehicle sectors fell away despite of the overall increase of the auto industry in China. Passenger vehicles benefited more from the industrial policies, with the increase speed higher than that of the average of the auto industry while commercial vehicles were not so optimistic in terms of production and sales in Q1. Statistics shows that production and sales of passenger vehicles in China during Q1 reached 1.875 million units and 1.9957 million units respectively, an increase of 4.45% and 7.81% respectively in comparison to the same period of the previous year; however, production and sales of commercial vehicles in China duringQ1 were 692,600 units and 683,100 units respectively, a decrease of 4.38% and 6.13%respectively in comparison to the same period of the previous year.
While commercial vehicle is declining on an overall basis, Foton Motor outperformed by creating record highs since its establishment.The smooth progress of Foton Motor during the 1st quarter signaled new expectations for the commercial vehicle sector which is stricken by the lasting economic crisis.
Mr. Zhao Jinguang, Spokesman and Deputy Party Secretary of Foton Motor says that under this special economic circumstances, the reasons for Foton Motor to perform so well are owing to its active series of measures regarding strategy, management and sales besides benefiting from supportive policies given by the state and governmentsat all levels as well as the energetic support given by leaders from the central government and governments at all levels. When the crisis slashed,the Company did not lay off employees and did not reduce their remuneration. In addition, the Company newly recruited over 2000 workers and employees witnessed another round of salary increase.Foton Motor and all its employees seized opportunities to achieve new breakthroughs and new development.
In respect of strategy, Foton Motor con-tinued to adjust its product structures during the 1st quarter to focus on economic trucks and new energy vehicles. While the economic trucks have tightly retained the market business opportunities as a mature business model, new energy vehicles are making breakthroughs in market as a new business opportunity. In order to better satisfy and secondary and tertiary markets as well as the rural market demands, Foton Motor further emphasized the commercial development of its Forland, engineering vehicles, SUP and other products and further improved vehicle resources of National III standards. These remedies are not only more adaptable at this very time to the special market demand in China, they have also laid a solid foundation for the future development of Foton Motor.
Some say that internal management is the key for success or failure of a company and the outstanding performance of Foton Motor in the crisis confirms the correctness of this saying.
In respect of corporate management, Foton Motor has been implementing TPS Toyota Production System since 2001 and has established the unique FPS Foton Production System management within the Company. Currently,such continuous improvement management is turning hidden benefits into visible benefits. In order to continuously improve the qualification and capability of its employees, Foton Motor have been running the Saturday Training Program and Employee Qualification EducationEngineering Program and through such continuous training and education, Foton Motor is growing up to reserve a giant talent pool, getting fully prepared for the future development of the Company in terms of human resources.In respect of sales and marketing, Foton Motor strengthened construction of its marketing network to make changes in its terminal sales models and improve the management capabilities of the whole work team in performing their work in terminal sales. In order to achieve physical sales effect,Foton Motor increased its efforts in market promotion.Through joint efforts with relevant districts and suburban counties of Beijing, Control of Vehicles Failing to Meet Euro I and Product Promotion was summoned up to further dig out potential customer resources; and through following up and implementing programs like Beijing Green Fleet ,major account customers are further developed.In addition, Foton Motor also enhanced its cooperation with central government controlled enterprises,municipal controlled SOEs and other major clients.To further develop the new energy vehicle market,Foton Motor established a special work team based on the real situations of 13 trial-out cities to track the dynamic procurement information of these 13 cities and make use of chances to promote its new energy bus products. Except for the large order of 800 units of new energy buses from Beijing, prominent market breakthroughs have been made in cities like Jinan,Dalian,Hangzhou, etc.
According to estimates by experts, the currenteconomic crisis is not down to bottom yet. Nevertheless, commercial vehicle sector is greatly affected by macro economic environment,thus, the prospect is still unclear by now. However, as the No. 1 brand of commercial vehicles in China, Foton Motor has managed to safeguard good performances in both production and sales during the economic recession by relying on its correct strategies and forceful remedies. Meanwhile, as a modeling player in the commercial vehicle sector, Foton Motor is actively making concerted efforts to lead China scommercial vehicle sector out of the crisisand make new achievements