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Li Can Has Been Elected Chairman of Executive Council of ICA

Li Can Has Been Elected Chairman of Executive Council of ICA

Write: Dwane [2011-05-20]
Academician Li Can, outstanding alumnus of Shaanxi Normal University, was elected the Chairman of Executive Council of International Catalyse Association (ICA) on the 14th International Catalyse Conference from July 13 to 18, 2008 in Seoul, South Korea. The term of chairman is four years. The former chairmen of Executive Council of ICA are dominantly American and European scientists. Li Can is the first Chinese scientist as well as the first scientist from the developing country to be elected chairman since the Executive Council of ICA has been established for more than half of century.
The Executive Council of ICA was founded in 1956 in Philadelphia, America. It has already made important contributions for advancing the development of international catalyse science and technology and become the most authoritative academic organization in the international catalyse field. At present it consists of over sixty members of the Executive Council in academic and industrial circles from over fifty countries and regions.The Executive Council of ICA holds its international conference every four years in different countries and regions and up to now fourteen conferences have been successfully held.The conference is now the most extensive in scope, the highest in academic level and the widest in influence all over the world and also one of the most important international conferences concerning the issues of energy resources and environment in the field of chemistry and chemical industry.
In 2004 Li was not only elected vice chairman of the council in the 13th conference of ICA held in Paris but also won the Prize of International Catalyse awarded by the Executive Council of ICA. The Prize, awarded to one person every four years, aims to encourage those pre-eminent scientists under 45 in international catalytic circles. The fact that Li Can was made the Chairman shows that the catalytic research in China as well as in the developing countries has drawn the attention of the international academic circles.(trans. Tang Zhenna)