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SCUT alumnus SUN Dawen elected as academician of Royal Irish Academy

SCUT alumnus SUN Dawen elected as academician of Royal Irish Academy

Write: Liora [2011-05-20]
SCUT alumnus SUN Dawen elected as academician of Royal Irish Academy
SUN Dawen attending the Council of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as representative of CIGR
Recently, Royal Irish Academy selected its new academicians and SUN Dawen, a SCUT alumnus and consultant professor, expert on food engineering and lifetime professor at University College of Dublin (UCD) was among the elected.
Prof. Sun is a leading authority on Biosystems Engineering and Food Science & Engineering. He has received the Merit Award (2000 and 2006) and Recognition Award (2008) from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), and the title of Food Engineer of the Year Award (2004) from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK. Up to now, he has edited 10 monographs and published more than 400 papers in world-renowned journals and international academic conferences, over a half of which have been collected by SCI. Presently he is the Honorary Vice-President of CIGE, the editor-in-chief of Food and Bioprocess Technology (Springer), series editor of Contemporary Food Engineering book series (CRC Press / Taylor & Francis), and editorial board member of several SCI Source Journals.
Sun studied in SCUT and has received his bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, master's degree in the same subject, and PhD in Chemical Engineering in 1982, 1985 and 1988 respectively. As the first Chinese lifetime professor in Ireland, he is currently the professor in Food and Biosystems Engineering, doctoral supervisor, and director of Food Refrigeration & Computerized Food Technology Institute of UCD.
Keeping in close contact with domestic universities and scientific research institutes, Prof. Sun often returns to motherland and gives lectures during his holiday, and helps students further their study abroad. As one of the Chinese scientists who have made outstanding contributions to higher education in China, he is invited to be the visiting or consultant professor of several Chinese universities including Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, SCUT, etc. Besides, he has funded about a dozen students to conduct further study in Ireland.
Edited by CHANG Wei and CAO Jinrong
From SCUT News Network