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University of Auckland Delegation Visits USTC

University of Auckland Delegation Visits USTC

Write: Demetria [2011-05-20]

On the afternoon of May 27, a delegation of the University of Auckland, New Zealand, visited USTC. The delegation included Acting Dean Caroline Daley of Graduate Studies, Associate Director Roger Shew of International Relations, and head of the University of Auckland's representative office in Beijing.

University of Auckland Delegation Visits USTC

Vice President Chen Chusheng met with the delegation and briefed them on USTC's history, features, programs and research strengths. Professor Caroline Dally expressed her gratitude for USTC's arrangements for their visit and then described the University of Auckland's enrollment, research ranking in New Zealand, and various programs. Both sides also discussed student exchanges between their universities.

University of Auckland Delegation Visits USTC

After the meeting, Acting Dean Dally gave a report on her university at the Conference Hall on the Pond.

University of Auckland Delegation Visits USTC