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President Hou Jianguo Meets with President Barke of Leibniz Universit t Hannover

President Hou Jianguo Meets with President Barke of Leibniz Universit t Hannover

Write: Kintan [2011-05-20]

President Hou Jianguo and Vice President Chen Chusheng met with President Barke of Leibniz Universit t Hannover of Germany and his party on the afternoon of September 25.

President Hou Jianguo Meets with President Barke of Leibniz Universit   t Hannover

President Hou expressed his warm welcome to President Barke and his colleagues on their visit to USTC. Subsequently, they provided each other with information about their own universities and explored the possibilities of mutual cooperation in teaching and research. President Barke spoke highly of the general requirements of mathematics and physics for students of all majors at USTC and was also deeply impressed with the large numbers of alumni USTC has throughout the world.

President Hou Jianguo Meets with President Barke of Leibniz Universit   t Hannover