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NPU Attends Inception Meeting of European Union EMECW in Paris

NPU Attends Inception Meeting of European Union EMECW in Paris

Write: Kapolcs [2011-05-20]

Associate Professor Sun Yu, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation attended the TANDEM project meeting of the European Union Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (EMECW) program in Paris late October. The convening of the meeting marks the official inception of the large-scale exchange of students, teachers and researchers among 20 Chinese and EU prestigious universities including NPU.

The EMECW program is for higher education cooperation initiated by the EU Commission. The objective of the program is to promote the institutions of higher education partnership among EU and other countries, carry out the exchange among students, teachers and researchers and cooperate in the realm of knowledge, skill and culture. In 2009 the EMECW program collects the latest round of 2009/2010 projects, including the five projects for cooperation with Chinese universities.

The EU universities under the TANDEM project include eleven universities such as Paris Central Polytechnic University, Madrid Polytechnic University, Swedish Royal Institute of Engineering, Milan Polytechnic University, Technische Universitat Munchen, Brussels Freedom University, and France Higher Institute of Electricity.

The Chinese member universities include the nine prestigious universities such as Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Tongji University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Northwestern Polytechnical University. The total financial support for the project reaches 4.

65 million Euros that will be used for a number of 245 students and teachers selected from the 20 universities under the project from 2010 through 2013.

The Erasmus Mundus project is the largest project among China-EU universities. The implementation of the TANDEM project provides more channels for cooperation between NPU and EU universities and more opportunities for students and teachers to study abroad.

Translated by Zuo Liankai

Edited by Xiang Dan

Source: NPU View in Chinese, by Sun Yu and Ma Ying

NPU Attends Inception Meeting of European Union EMECW in Paris