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Research findings of CHEN Xiaojia, chair professor of SCUT, published in Nature

Research findings of CHEN Xiaojia, chair professor of SCUT, published in Nature

Write: Aundy [2011-05-20]
Research findings of CHEN Xiaojia, chair professor of SCUT, published in Nature Research findings of CHEN Xiaojia, chair professor of SCUT, published in Nature
The cover Prof. CHEN Xiaojia
Research findings of CHEN Xiaojia, chair professor of SCUT, published in Nature Research findings of CHEN Xiaojia, chair professor of SCUT, published in Nature
First page of the thesis High pressure Raman measuring system
Research findings of CHEN Xiaojia, chair professor of SCUT, published in Nature Research findings of CHEN Xiaojia, chair professor of SCUT, published in Nature
Pulse laser molecular beam epitaxy system The structure chart of laboratory sample Bi2223
CHEN Xiaojia, chair professor of South China University of Technology (SCUT), got his research paper "Enhancement of superconductivity by pressure-driven competition in electronic order" published in Nature on August 19, 2010. (Vol. 466, pp. 950-953) CHEN is first author & corresponding author, while Dept. of Physics, SCUT is second author. The research paper reported a new approach to enhance superconductivity under high pressure.
Prof. CHEN Xiaojia has been employed as chair professor by SCUT as part of "Hundred Talents Program". Within his three-year term, he has established the high voltage laboratory at the Dept. of Physics, and has published a dozen of thesis in the journal of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Physics Review Letters, etc. Since the establishment of the high voltage laboratory over two years ago, the laboratory personnel has published a number of research papers in important international physics journals, and there are lots of test data to be published.
Edited by HU Nanping and HUANG Longlong
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