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Baosteel Improves Bus Steel Frame

Baosteel Improves Bus Steel Frame

Write: Carlie [2011-05-20]

Recently, the first lightweight bus which uses Baosteel green product-high strength steel is off the assembly line in Yutong Group, Zhengzhou. This model is 13% less in weight compared with domestic bus frame with the same length and configuration, while its passenger carrying capacity is increased by 20% and it saves more than 5% of fuel.

With the increasing requirements on environmental protection, lightweight automobile has become the development trend of domestic and international automobile industry. The application of high strength steel, which makes automobile material thinner, helps to reduce automobile weight, save energy and achieve higher safety.

Yutong Group is a strategic customer of Baosteel auto sheets, as well as a leading enterprise in domestic bus production, occupying the largest production and market share. Previously, Yutong mostly adopted conventional steel plates in the manufacture of vehicle. In order to improve competitiveness and promote energy conservation, Zhengzhou Yutong actively explores in the area of vehicle lightening and seek cooperation with Baosteel to achieve breakthrough in auto sheet application.

Over the years, Baosteel closely follows steel industry development trend and launches research in high strength and thin auto sheet every early in the nation. The high strength steel varieties which are produced by existing equipment are widely used in the domestic automobile industry.

The launch of Yutong lightweight buses marks the first attempt at producing bus frame with high strength steel in domestic bus industry. It has positive impact on Baosteel's exploration in automobile high strength steel as well as energy saving in China's bus industry.