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Wen Jiabao Inspects Jobsite of Shijiu in Sichuan

Wen Jiabao Inspects Jobsite of Shijiu in Sichuan

Write: Corin [2011-05-20]

By: Tian Heping

China s Premier Wen Jiabao conducted a visit to the new base of Dongfang Steam Turbine Works in Deyang of Sichuan Province on September 25, 2009. The visit purpose is to inspect the post-disaster reconstruction works. And this was the fifth tour of Premier Wen to Dongfang Steam Turbine Works since May 12, 2008.
The construction works of Jingzi Bulk Workshop of Dongfang Steam Turbine Works was commenced by MCC Shijiu Construction Co., Ltd. (Shijiu) on September 27, 2008. Within seven months, Shijiu completed all the structural works for the main facility, including installation of steel structure (7,000 tons) and casting of concrete (20,000 cubic meters) for the foundation works. The Bulk Workshop was formally transferred by Shijiu to Dongfang Steam Turbine Works on July 20, 2009. For the follow-up projects, Shijiu has laid emphasis on the construction the cast steel and cast iron works, so as to the ensure these two works to be handed over to Dongfang Steam Turbine Works by the end of November 2009.