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UNWTO to fund emergency management project

UNWTO to fund emergency management project

Write: Fleance [2011-05-20]

UNWTO to fund emergency management project

Posted: Wed 5 Jan, 2011 4:30 PM

UNWTO to fund emergency management project

The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has undertaken to fund a major project this year. This will involve developing a programme to integrate emergency management and tourism, perceived as one of the key missing links in tourism crisis and recovery management.

While most airports do have links between airlines, airport authorities and emergency services such as ambulance, firefighting, police and suchlike, this has not been followed by other sectors of the tourism industry.

It has also been observed that the biggest threats to tourism over the past year have come through natural disasters rather than manmade ones. The integration between tourism and emergency management would therefore be an important step in advancing risk management in the industry, according to a report in eTurboNews.

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