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Malaysia to waive visas for Chinese Taipei tourists

Malaysia to waive visas for Chinese Taipei tourists

Write: Ormos [2011-05-20]

Malaysia to waive visas for Chinese Taipei tourists

Posted: Tue 8 Feb, 2011 10:04 AM

Malaysia to waive visas for Chinese Taipei tourists

Malaysia plans to waive visas for tourists from Chinese Taipei as part of an initiative to increase the number of tourists and foreign exchange earnings.

Ng Yen Yen, Tourism minister, Malaysia, was quoted in TTR Weekly as having said that they will provide visa-free travel for Chinese Taipei tourists very soon and will encourage more tourists to come to Malaysia. In 2010, an estimated total of 200,000 tourists from Chinese Taipei visited the country.

Malaysia aims to attract 25-million international visitors and earn US$20-billion in revenue from tourism in 2011. It is also set to draw high-end tourists from Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.

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