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Winter Warm Sun, Great Love Logistics Company Donates for Their Employees Children

Winter Warm Sun, Great Love Logistics Company Donates for Their Employees Children

Write: Kelsey [2011-05-20]

On the afternoon of December 11, love surges like winter warm sun in the conference room which is on sixth floor of library. In this love donation ceremony, person in charge of Logistics Company gave two thousand yuan to the company s employee Huang Liangnv.
This event was initiated for her son Wu Yueqi who is only 20 years old. He was diagnosed with leukemia in November, and his lives are at stake. Huang Liangnv does cleaning in our logistics company and her husband works in construction. Their son suddenly fell ill, which laid much burden to this low-income family.
After the Party Branch of Logistics Company and logistics division heard the news, they immediately sent to the company s various departments Donation Initiative. Generosity of all the logistics staff led the collection of 19,866 yuan in just a week. The Party Secretary of our university Shi Guodong, Vice-President Chen Kuiqing also sent their contributions and wish a speedy recovery of Wu Yueqi, and thus the difficulties of their family overcame soon.