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International visitor spending in US rises

International visitor spending in US rises

Write: Zaida [2011-05-20]

International visitor spending in US rises

Posted: Tue 28 Dec, 2010 5:52 PM

International visitor spending in US rises

An estimated US$11.9-billion was spent by international visitors in the USA in October, according to an announcement released by the US Department of Commerce.

The international visitor spending in October this year garnered an 18% increase compared to that of October 2009. In total, the travel-and-tourism related exports have increased, on average, US$1.4-billion a month in 2010, as reported in eTurboNews.

The overall increase was brought about by sale of goods and services such as food, accommodation, and transportation. Air ticket sales by US carriers have also contributed to the increase in travel-and-tourism related exports.

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